It's Mets For Me: Off-Beat, Tangentially Relevant Mets Ruminations

Off Base Since 2005! Mets commentary from the counter-intuitive to the unintuitive and all the intuitives in between. ** "Through the use of humor and gross inaccuracy...a certain truth can be gained." Rob Perri ** (pester me or follow me @itsmetsforme on twitter)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ass of the Franchise

When the always tiresome ESPN has trotted out their "Face of the Franchise" feature a few weeks ago, I thought it was only fair to provide fans with a legitimate alternative. But I held off, not wanting to commit any karmic offenses after the Phillie Sweep. Most of the commenters picked Jose Reyes as representing all that is Wright, er, right, with the Mets. As for the competing meaningful body part, there were not too many candidates.

I give you...

Guillermo Mota, Ass of the Franchise!

Claim to fame includes...

known steroids user, whose best recent performances happen to coincide with period of drug use

Has two year contract from Omar

Performance has ranged from ineffective to outright suck, and this after having a whole half a year off, due to the suspension he served

Giving fans no earthly way to support him by continuing to fail in big spots

Has Willies' support, because his stuff is so awesome!

Has two year contract from Omar. Wait did I say that already?

Reminds us all of Armando, which we don't deserve


  • At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How do you not mention headhunter of Mike Piazza???
    And sniveling coward back peddeling into the dugout.

    Getting mota is the only Omar move I hold against him. Piazza was a great Met, but is disrespected just by having Mota on the team.

  • At 12:20 AM, Blogger I.M. Forme said…

    well, i was trying to imply that with my picture.


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