It's Mets For Me: Off-Beat, Tangentially Relevant Mets Ruminations

Off Base Since 2005! Mets commentary from the counter-intuitive to the unintuitive and all the intuitives in between. ** "Through the use of humor and gross inaccuracy...a certain truth can be gained." Rob Perri ** (pester me or follow me @itsmetsforme on twitter)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday Random Bud Selig abuse

Your guide to understanding the current status of MLB In Demand negotiations

MLB SEZ: IN Demand’s offer to match DirecTV’s $700 million, seven-year carriage rights deal, is “not responsive” to the terms set forth by MLB to allow it to match, adding that the offer “fails short of all the material conditions.”

BIG CABLE SEZ: IN Demand's "offer was fully responsive to Major League Baseball’s requirements and public statements.”

who cares about fans?

“I expect people to understand that we thought all of these issues out, and there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll be quite surprised at how few people are affected,” he said. “When I look at the number of people that would be affected, it’s so small.”

see also:
MLB, IN Demand Vague About Rights Dispute


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