It's Mets For Me: Off-Beat, Tangentially Relevant Mets Ruminations

Off Base Since 2005! Mets commentary from the counter-intuitive to the unintuitive and all the intuitives in between. ** "Through the use of humor and gross inaccuracy...a certain truth can be gained." Rob Perri ** (pester me or follow me @itsmetsforme on twitter)

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Los Angeles Mets Fans Gather for Safety, Enjoyment
Things don't always go this great for LA area Mets fans.

Life in Los Angeles can be brutal. For instance, temperatures this weekend may dip down into the 50s. There is no really good pizza. Plus you could go to Dodgers Stadium and be shot, stabbed, or get the crap beat out of you for wearing the wrong cap.  But if you are a Met fan in the Southland, you have to know there is a hearty band of Los Angeles area Metropolitan aficionados that, against all odds, gets together most Sundays to root for Fred Wilpon's second favorite team together.
Dodger fans are vicious and brutal and their howls scare the children.

The Greater Los Angeles New York Mets Fans Sports Bar Club, now entering its fourth year of fellowship and futility, will be having its inaugural meeting tomorrow. So come brunch and watch the powerful Met offense score in bunches against the stinking Fish of Florida.

Sunday April 3, 2011
10 AM

1351 3rd Street Promenade Santa Monica, CA 

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  • At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Cver said…

    Wow - I wish I could be there, but will be there in spirit, which reminds me that, in the last couple of nights, I have been in the Hotfoot Bleachers and I have mentioned all that were not there yet, including you and others (welcome!) and forgot my buddy, Mr. Keyser. Please say hi to him from me, if you see him and also welcome him back to the Bleachers. Good game tonight - I thought, among others, Willie Harris might have been the hero of the game, since without those extra runs he knocked in, who knows? One of our beloved Bleacher Bums did compare Harris to Endy and I liked that - it could ring true - we'll see. K-ROD might really be the new goat of our team - hopefully he at least straightens out his "on the field" performance. Lastly, I do know of a place that served excellent pizza the one time I was there (not that far from your club's meetings) Bravo Pizzeria on Main Street in Santa Monica. Bon Appetit and Let's Go Mets!...and as a pinch runner tonight, Hu WAS on 1st!

  • At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Keyser said…

    Hi IMFM, nice turnout for our first week (20 people), wish you were here!

  • At 10:27 AM, Blogger I.M. Forme said…

    Hi Keyser,
    Just too much work this weekend. Hope to join you next Sunday!

  • At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Queers for Mets community bands together to endure the hostile Dodger fans.

  • At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Me and my lifetime Gay partner have followed the Mets for years.

    Mets have more Gay fans than any other team.

    And we like it that way.


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