It's Mets For Me: Off-Beat, Tangentially Relevant Mets Ruminations

Off Base Since 2005! Mets commentary from the counter-intuitive to the unintuitive and all the intuitives in between. ** "Through the use of humor and gross inaccuracy...a certain truth can be gained." Rob Perri ** (pester me or follow me @itsmetsforme on twitter)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Goin' (for) Broke: Have You Heard the Good News?

Take a break from fretting about Carlos Beltran's knees to recognize the spectacular times we live in. Yes things are so crazy that Will Leitch actually gets the Mets (partially) right in his latest paid writing enterprise. In "The Moneyball Mets," uber-blogger, founder of the leading sports exploitation/humiliation website, noted Mets-no-nothing, and Phillies ass fetishist argues that going broke may be the best thing that has happened to the Mets in some time. Raising and dismissing the possibility that Sandy Alderson was baited and switched (i.e. had no warning of the financial cloud that sits over the franchise) when he agreed to take over, the article suggests Alderson could remake the Steve Phillips/Omar Minaya Mets along the lines the "moneyball with money" model followed by the Red Sox.

One thing is clear: the Mets have the right management in place to face the next few years of almost certain financial malaise. Decisions made under fiscal pressure, and made by far more savvy planners, may just be the thing to finally align the performance of NY Metropolitans franchise with their large market spending clout.

The other positive way of looking at this: if the Mets are in as deep shit as reports suggest, the Wilpons might have to sell the club. You know, dropping value, surging losses, potential legal ruination. The only calamity yet to befall the befuddled Wilpons is a global shortage of orange and blue dye. But even a more cash poor Mets still need to put fannies in the seats, and if they do end up doing something stupid and Minayan to address this reality, I sure hope it is a big contract for Albert Pujols, who can play out his post-steroidal golden years in Flushing for all I care. (Leitch once predicted as much.)

Everyone has their favorite Oliver Perez Met moment. Here is mine:

H/T Oh Murph

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  • At 8:00 PM, Anonymous cver said…

    Seeing that Monopoly guy makes me think of K-Rod and his Get Out Of Jail Free card. Second post this week - now we're talking!

  • At 10:49 AM, Blogger I.M. Forme said…

    tiny steps.

  • At 8:57 PM, Anonymous cver said…

    The Post-Cox era has begun. Everybody in Atlanta is lighting up a cigarette:)


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